Was it luck or skill? It was said that John, my stepson’s dad, could heal balky electronics just by laying on hands. When my 1963 MGB wouldn’t start, I rocked it back and forth to coax the starter to engage. But when our electric car charger started to shriek loud enough to be heard outside, we quickly unplugged it from its 50 amp circuit. On the company’s website, there was a code for problems based on the number of beeps. I plugged it back in and counted. Five meant that a relay was stuck closed – unplug and call service immediately. Hmmm, a relay is a physical device. I figured I’d slap the case around a bit and perhaps nudge the relay, just like I did with the starter gear on my MG. I then plugged it in carefully, covering my ears, but it remained silent and the light came on like normal. Wow, thank you!